Web Development: Plethora of Opportunities

Web Development is one of the most rising careers. Web Development is on the forefront of the digital era. A story of a present day work schedule of a common man: Use of Alexa for wake up alarm. Book cab to get a ride to work. Using Slack to message their team. Use of Paytm,…

IoT Communication Protocols

The Internet of Things is based on the networking of things. IOT can be defined as “Proposed Development of the Internet in which everyday objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data” Many IoT communication protocols are available with different data rates, capabilities, memory, communication range, power and many more. Each one…

Scope of Information Technology

Information Technology is, “the study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers, for storing, accessing, analyzing and sending information” according to Oxford Learner Dictionary. With the initialization of “Digital India”, demand of Information Technology has increased tremendously. To meet the growing demands of societal needs Information Technology has played a crucial role and retained its…