“Artificial Intelligence: The science and engineering of making intelligent machines” coined by John McCarthy (Father of AI) in 1956. Artificial Intelligence has brought a revolution in technology. As we are aware of the fact behind every human creation, engineering is involved and with AI Engineering, possibilities are endless. The vast area of artificial intelligence has…
In current scenario, there has been an outstanding interest of people exploring into the world of data science and using Machine Learning (ML) practices to probe statistical regularities and build immaculate data-driven products. However, it’s also been observed that some actually lack the necessary mathematical awareness and background to get useful results. Recently, there has…
The Internet of Things is based on the networking of things. IOT can be defined as “Proposed Development of the Internet in which everyday objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data” Many IoT communication protocols are available with different data rates, capabilities, memory, communication range, power and many more. Each one…