
Library Services

The mission of Library Services is to develop qualitatively the Library's universal collections, which document the history and further the creativity of the users and which record and contribute to the advancement of civilization and knowledge throughout the world, and to acquire, organize, provide access to, maintain, secure, and preserve these collections. Circulation of books is one of the major activities of the library.

Rules & Regulations
Membership Rules General Rules
Library Services

Circulation Services


General books for normal loan can be borrowed out at the Circulation Counter. Borrowing privileges for the various categories of users are as follows:

  • Books
    - Students may borrow up to 5 books for 25 days.
    - Faculty members may borrow up to 4 books for 30 days.
    - Non-teaching staff (Below lecturer grade) may borrow up to 2 books for 2 weeks.
  • Journals
    Currents issues and unbound issues of journals are to be used only in the IRC
  • Reference Materials
    Reference materials are to be used only with in the IRC. However faculty members may borrow certain reference materials at the discretion of the Principal/Librarian.
  • CD's & Audio-Visual Materials
    All CD's & audio-visual materials are to be used in the IRC. However they may be issued on specific request basis for a day or two. Academic staff may borrow certain audio-visual materials for 1 week.
  • Other IRC Materials
    For the borrowing of other IRC materials, borrowers are to consult the Librarian.

General Rules of Circulation

  • All items on loan shall be returned by their due date and time.
  • Users are requested to verify the physical condition of the book/document at the time of its lending. They will be held responsible for any damage caused there after.
  • All items on loan may be subject to recall before their due dates if requested by another user, by the Librarian. Recalled items shall be returned without delay.
  • All items on loan shall be returned on expiry of membership of the IRC. College staff and student membership expires when employment or attendance at College ceases.
  • Users for whom items are obtained through the IRC-inter library Loans service shall abide by any conditions imposed on the use of these items.
  • The IRC staff cannot be held responsible for non-delivery of IRC notices about overdue or recalled books or other matters.
  • The Librarian may lend, refuse to lend, or restrict the circulation of any item, or recall any item from loan at any time.
  • Borrowers are to produce their IRC membership cards when borrowing IRC materials.
  • No books or IRC materials may be brought out of the IRC until the loan has been recorded. Unauthorized removal of IRC materials is regarded as a very serious offence.
  • The normal loan period for books is two weeks. The IRC, however, may fix varying loan periods for different types of materials or users as it deems fit.
  • All borrowers must, at the end of each semester, settle any overdue loans before they are permitted to borrow again.

Overdue Books

Books must be returned by the due date or earlier if recalled by the Librarian. Failure to return a book by the date specified will be treated as a serious offence.

The IRC will endeavour to send overdue notices but will not be held responsible for non-delivery, under whatever circumstances.


Overdue fine levied on borrowers for books.

Loss and Damage

Borrowers will be held responsible for materials out on loan. If the material is lost, an immediate report should be made to the Librarian to enable appropriate action to be taken. The borrower will have to pay twice the market price of the book. If the book is one of a set or series they may be asked to pay for whole set or series.

Reference Services

Reference service assists readers to find the information and to use the library resources in an effective manner. The DGI has a separate reference section in the Central Library.The Reference Librarian in the reference section is here to help and provide you the information you need. The Reference Librarian can also help the readers in locating materials in library collection and use a variety of reference books and other reference tools on various subjects. e.g Education and Training, Vocational Study and Guidance, Admission to Educational Institutions, Employment etc Reference Section holds all kind of reference materials including dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories, etc. Every year new reference tools are added to the reference section.

Infrastructure Services

Reading Rooms (Use of periodicals and newspapers) The library is continuously engaged in developing reading interests among the students of DGI. The provision of Reading Rooms have been made in all the service units to provide information on various walks of life by making available daily newspapers and popular periodicals. Reading room is a place where they can bring their own books, notes etc and study in the cool and conducive atmosphere of the library. Reading is a pleasure and with surroundings so serene, serious, and concentrate is a boon. This section is very much appreciated by the readers who sit there undisturbed, and study.

Guidance and Counseling Services

This Cell provides guidance to B-Tech and MBA Students. Keeping in view the need and ever increasing demand of the students who are perusing B-Tech and MBA. DGI Library has been providing guidance and practical training to students in it's library department specially classification & cataloguing. The students interact with the professional staff helps them to seek better in knowledge the field.

Reprographic Services

Reprographic service is provided in the library, Xerox Machine has been installed in the reading room. This service has proved to be a boon both to the readers with the result the readers can get the material Photostatted as and when they require on nominal rates i.e 50.00 paisa per page.