Faculty member presented Research Paper in International Conference on
Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE)
21st - 23rd December 2019
A three day international conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE) was organized by EasyChair on 21st - 23rd December, 2019 at Rama Devi Women's University, Bhubaneswar. The conference was organized for academicians, scientists, researchers from industry, research scholars, and students as a platform to present their research among their peers. The papers presented will be published by Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (ASIC) series of Springer, which will be submitted for inclusion to leading indexing services including ISI Proceedings, El-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink.
The papers registered to be published were divided into multiple categories based on the field of research. Mr. Bhuvnesh Chaturvedi, Assistant Professor, CSE Department, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida presented his paper under the category of Advanced Computer Networks and Algorithms on 21st December 2019.
Each participant was allocated 15 minutes, in which 10 minutes were for presenting their paper and 5 minutes for Q&A session. Each paper was also being judged based on certain criteria including novelty of approach, potential of application in industry, etc.
The presentation on 21st December started with Ms. Prafulla B. Bafna presenting her paper which was on Scaled Document Clustering on Hindi corpus. The paper was adjudged the best paper presented in the category.
Next Mr. Manoj Kapil presented the paper on Sentimental Analysis for High Classification Rates on behalf of his mentee Ms. Gaurika Jaitly. It was a review paper.
Next Ms. Gayatri Pattnaik presented her paper on Detection and Classification of tomato pests using Support Vector Machine.
The conference proceeded with Mr. Mithun B. Patil presenting his paper on Handover Algorithms in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. It was a survey paper.
The last paper presented was on Automatic Short Answer Grading by Mr. Bhuvnesh Chaturvedi.
The conference concluded with every participant receiving a participation certificate and a bag as a memento.