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Mr. Dheeraj Gurjar
Research on HTML5 in Web Development
ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
Volume 2, Issue 4, May 2022
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Dr. Neetu Singh
Service Halt in Repairable Redundant Machining System with Degraded failure and Set-up
 International Journal of knowledge based computer systems
ISSN No. 2321-5623.
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2018.
Dr. Neetu Singh
Reliability Prediction of State dependent Retrial queue with unreliable server and Multi-Phase Repair
 IOSR Journal of Engineering
ISSN No. 2278-8719.
Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 36-53, 2018.
Dr. Neetu Singh
Recent Developments in Mathematical analysis of queues for Machine Repair Problem: A Short Survey
International Journal of knowledge based computer systems
ISSN No. 2321-5623
Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 23-29, 2018
Dr. Pawan Sharma
Conventional to ICT Based Teaching-Paradigm & Attitude Shift in Engineering Students
Global Journal for Research Analysis
ISSN: 2277-8160
Vol. 6 , Issue 5, (Pages 710-713), MAY 2017.
Dr. Neetu Singh
Sensitivity Analysis of Markovian Queue with Discouragement, Additional Servers and Threshold Policy
 International Journal of System and Software Engineering
ISSN No. 2321-6017
Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 22-32, 2017.
Dr. Aditi Paul
"Performance analysis of received signal power-based Sybil detection in MANET using spline curve"
ISSN online: 1744-2850
Dr. Aditi Paul
"Performance analysis of received signal power-based Sybil detection in MANET using spline curve"
ISSN print: 1744-2869
Dr. Neetu Singh
Performance Prediction of Flexible Manufacturing System using Queueing Networks
 International Journal of System and Software Engineering
ISSN No. 2321-6017
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-7, 2016
Dr. Neetu Singh
Smart Phone Usage Pattern: A Study of College Students
International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices
ISSN No. 2320-7523
Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 31-36, 2016
Dr. Pawan Sharma
Reliability Measures for Tele–Communications System with redundant transferring machines by using Algebraic Methods
American Journal of Operation Research
ISSN : 2160-8849, 2160-8830
Vol-06 , Pages-371-377.Aug 2016
Dr. Aditi Paul
A Comparative Analysis of Sybil Attack Detection Techniques in MANET
International Journal of Engineering Science and Management
Vol No. 6, Issue 1, pp-82-89, April,2016
Mr. Subhrajit Nag
A Comparative Analysis of Sybil Attack Detection Techniques in MANET
International Journal of Engineering Science and Management
Vol No. 6, Issue 1, pp-82-89, April,2016
Dr. Aditi Paul
FuNN - an Interactive Tool to Detect Sybil Attack in MANET
International Journal of Applied Research on Information Technology and Computing
Vol No. 7, Issue 1, April,2016
Dr. Aditi Paul
Modeling Different Forms of Sybil Attack in MANET
Dr. Neetu Singh
Economic lot sizing for unreliable production system with shortages
 International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research
ISSN No. 1757-5850
Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 464-483, 2015
Ms. Priyanka Tripathi
Extraction and Recognition of Multi-oriented text from Trademark and Logo Images
May 27, 2015
Mrs. Chitra Kaul
Analysis of the cyber attacks over the past decade and impact of them on private sector
ISSN: 2231-2803
April 2015
Mr. Subhrajit Nag
A smoothing based task scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous multi-cloud environment
IEEE Xplore
January, 2015
Mr. Bipin Pandey
Design and Performance Analysis of new Cryptographic Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks & Broadcasting Applications Security
ISSN 2319 - 4847
Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014
Mr. Bipin Pandey
Design of a New Cryptographic Algorithm for Development of secure real-time password enabled exchange communication for Indian Armed Forces
ISSN 2278-6856
Volume 3, Issue 6, November-December 2014
Dr. Aditi Paul
Use of Spline Curve in Sybil Attack Detection based on Received Signal Power — New Approach
June,2014 , Vol No. 11, pp 602-611
Dr. Neetu Singh
Queueing System with Heterogeneous Server, Multiple Vacations and Threshold Policy
International Journal of Inter-Disciplinary Engineering and Sciences
ISSN No. 2393-9826
Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 42-55, 2014
Dr. Neetu Singh
Cost Analysis for N-Policy Machining System With Spares, Service Halt, Set Up and Common Cause Failure
International Journal of System and Software Engineering,
ISSN No. 2321-6017.
Vol. 7, No. 2, 2019, pp. 07-14.
Dr. S.K.Srivastava
Photo dielectric effect study in the composite of magnesium titanate and zinc oxide
21st International journal of Engineering Science & Management
ISSN No. 2231-3273
Vol. IV Issue II Jul-Dec 2014
Ms. Shalini Sharma
Improvising Information Security in Cloud Computing Environment
0975 - 8887
Vol No. 86, Issue 16, January 16, 2014
Dr. Neetu Singh
Analysis of single item deteriorating inventory model with time dependent demand and partial backlogging
 International Journal of Operations Research and Optimization
ISSN No. 2231-4741
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 103-114, 2013
Dr. Deepti Gupta
Automatic Document Classification through Efficient Unsupervised Learning Method
(ISSN 2221-8386)
Vol. 3,No. 2, pp. 24-29, 2013
Dr. Deepti Gupta
Clustering based outlier detection method for document classification
ISSN 1947-5500
Vol. 11, No.9, pp.91-96, 2013
Ms. Ankita Gangwar
Least Significant Bit –RGB Steganography
International Journal of Trends and Technology (IJTT)
ISSN: 2231 2803
volume 4 issue 2-2013
Mr. Manoj Kumar Yadav
Combinational Approach for Object Clipping Using GLIP and Protection Against Sql Injection Attacks
ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 2, Issue6, November-December 2012
Dr. Deepti Gupta
Clustering Techniques :A Survey
SATI Journal of Science & Technology
(ISSN: 0973-4007)
Vol. 3, No.1, pp.11-18, 2012
Dr. Deepti Gupta
Mining Frequent Pattern Using New Approach
SATI Journal of Science & Technology
(ISSN: 0973-4007)
Vol. 3, No.1, pp.23-26, 2012
Dr. Deepti Gupta
Analysis Efficient Framework For Text Classification
SATI Journal of Science & Technology
(ISSN: 0973-4007)
Vol. 3, No.1, pp.32-34, 2012
Dr. Aditi Paul
A Conceptual Framework For Multipurpose Bill Payment System-Appraising Member Customers’ Need
International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering
ISSN 2249-0558
August, 2012
Dr. Neetu Singh
Performance analysis of Double ended Markovian queue for machining system with spares
International Journal of Information and Computing Science
ISSN No. 0972-1347
Vol. 11, No. 1, 2008
Dr. Neetu Singh
Transient analysis of M/M/R machining system with mixed standbys, switching failures, balking, reneging and additional removable repairmen
International Journal of Engg
ISSN No. 1728-1431
Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 169-182, 2007
Mr. Subhrajit Nag
A Smoothing Based Task Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Multi-Cloud Environment
IEEE Xplore
ISBN: 978-1-4799-7682-9
Volume 1
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