Conference on India China SME Business
India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
8th December 2015
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in partnership with Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, GOI organized a conference on, “India China Business Session” on 08th December 2015. Prof. TPN Singh, Advisor (R&D)attended the meet at India Habitat Centre.
The objective of summit was to provide an impetus to the Prime Minister’s, “Make in India” initiative by providing a platform for Global SMEs to connect for prospects of mutual benefits and explore emerging markets. Following dignitaries addressed the session:
1. Mr. Ligi George – MD, Madras Suspensions Ltd.
2. Mr. Gao Hua bing – Gen. Secy., The World Association of Chinese Elite
3. Mr. Bhushan Patil – Director, Global Business Development
4. Mr. Niraj Choksi – Business Development, DVN Group
5. Mr. Jiang Baoqum – Chairman, Nanjing Gold Group
Mr. Ligi George rendered the key note address and stated that India and countries like China, Japan, Taiwan etc. share many commonalities and are ranked among key emerging market economies of the world today. India shares 2.5% GDP of the world and has 5.5% of buying capacity. India, China and Brazil would be contributing 40% towards the world’s consumer market by 2050. China was a sleeping dragon which has woken up and India is like a baby elephant. India has an opportunity to supply goods and services to a large Chinese population there by increasing her purchasing power. While Indian MSMEs can gain from China’s strong presence in the manufacturing sector, China can gain from India’s strong presence in the services sector. The Chinese team namely Mr. Gao Hua bing and Mr. Jiang Baoqum applauded the Indian diaspora and appreciated the quantum leap the country has taken in all areas recently. India is a very big market and China is going to invest billions of dollars in the next five years. He introduced various entrepreneurs from China who had come to seek partnership with Indian companies.
The session focused on sharing partnerships in R&D, Knowledge sharing, Innovation and commercialization of breakthrough technologies and promote strategic trade and bilateral relations through SME partnerships. National vendor development program was also taken up for discussion for which the government is operating the Public Procurement Policy. However, the process is fraught with challenges such as poor understanding of customer requirements, unattainable quality and technologies standards, difficulty in abiding by the tender documentation process etc. The Purchase and Price Preference Policy is an important instrument by the government to support SME procurement in the Railways sector. There are plans to develop 50 stations as world class through PPP mode, developing 375 stations as “Adarsh stations” etc. which will provide lucrative business opportunities for MSMEs.
The session ended with vote of thanks given by Mr. Ligi George who thanked the Chinese delegation and Government of India for the symbiosis.