Online Short Term Course on 'Soft Skills and Classroom Teaching'
14th - 18th February 2022
Ms. Neelam Bhardwaj, (Assistant Professor, MBA Department) Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida attended online short term course on “Soft Skills and Classroom Teaching” from 14th -18th February 2022 organized by NITTTR Chandigarh through ICT.
Day 1: 14th February 2022
In the first session, Er. Rama Chhabra inaugurated the session and gave brief introduction of soft skill and classroom teaching.
In the second session, Er. Rama Chhabra told the need and importance of developing the soft skill. She told the participants soft skill are attributes that engage anyone in meaningful interaction with the others. Further she told soft skills ensure that there is a smooth flow of ideas without any conflicts.
Dr. Vidhu Mohan took the third session and explained “Emotional Intelligence”. She told emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. She said a person should be able to accept criticism and responsibility being able to move on after making a mistake. Being able to say no when need to.
Day 2: 15th February 2022
In the first session, Er. Rama Chhabra explained how to “Develop Team Work Skills in Students”. She told there is 7 teamwork skill that is important. They are: Communication, Time management. Problem-solving, Listening, Critical thinking, Collaboration and Leadership He told all the seven skill are important for the student to get success and to work in a team.
Second session of the day taken by Ms.Suditi Jindal on “Developing Positive Attitude”. She told positive attitude is very important to being successful and happy. She explained one of the points how positive attitude can be developed.
Dr. Shilpa Suri took the third session of the day and discussed Online Interview Skills, Resume Writing and Group Discussion. She explained some of the do and don’ts to follow while giving interview. She also explained topics that are must to be included in resume. She also told some of the common mistakes while writing the resume. She also gave some the sample pdf of resume. Next she explained point to remember if anyone is taking part in Group Discussion.
Day 3 : 16th February 2022
First session of the day started with the discussion on “Time Management” by Dr. Shilpa Suri. She told the importance of time management for a successful career. Time management is also important to have balance in personal and professional life.
In the second session, Ms.Suditi Jindal discussed some of the techniques for Technology Detox. She told technology detox is very important to reduce stress and to focus more.
Ms. Manjula Sularia took the third session and explained “Effective Classroom Communication in Digital Era”.
Day 4 : 17th February 2022
First session of the day is taken by Mr. Gaurav Kumar on “Online Assessment of Non-verbal Behaviour of Students” He gave some of the tips that can help participant to read the nonverbal behaviour of students like focus on tone of voice, good eye contact and many more.
Dr. Sunil Dutt took the second session and explained “How to develop creativity among students” He told some points to enhance the creativity among students like teacher can setup some activities that allow students to explore their creativity in relevant and interesting, ways. He also said to remove constraints for creativity and give students’ space and framework in which they can be creative.
Ms. Manjula Sularia took the third session and explained to the participants that they should always motivate students for learning.
Day 5 : 18th February 2022
In the first session “Designing Rubrics for Evaluation of Soft Skills” was explained by Er. Amandeep Kaur. She explained rubric identifies criteria: descriptors, performance levels She told there are 4 types of rubrics Analytic Rubrics, Developmental Rubrics, Holistic Rubrics, Checklists.
In the second session, participants gave presentation of any two soft skills. In the last session evaluation and Course Valediction was done by Dr. Sunil Dutt and Er. Rama Chhabra.