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Evaluation Process
Internal Assessment in each theory subject consists of 50 marks for 1st Year
30 Marks to be assessed on the basis of Sessional Examinations.
10 Marks for attendance on the laid down criteria.
10 Marks to be awarded on the basis of Teacher's Assessment.
Internal Assessment in each theory subject consists of 30 marks for 2nd Year
20 Marks to be assessed on the basis of Sessional Examinations.
5 Marks for attendance on the laid down criteria.
5 Marks to be awarded on the basis of Teacher's Assessment.
Internal Assessment in each theory subject consists of 50 marks for 3rd and 4th Year
30 Marks to be assessed on the basis of Sessional Examinations.
10 Marks for attendance on the laid down criteria.
10 Marks to be awarded on the basis of Teacher's Assessment.
Guidelines and Syllabus for Sessional Examinations:
Both Sessional examinations & Pre-University examination are compulsory and will be strictly conducted on the University Examination pattern.
First Sessional Examination will be conducted from the Syllabus covered in a subject up to the stipulated date of exams or a maximum of two units, (Unit 1 and 2), whichever is less.
Second Sessional Examination will be conducted from the Syllabus covered, after the 1st Sessional examination in a subject up to the stipulated date of exams or a maximum of two units, (Unit 3 and 4), whichever is less.
Question Papers in both the Sessional will be set on the University pattern (formats attached to be strictly followed).
Duration of Sessional Examination will be 2 hours.
Pre-University Examination:
Pre-University question paper has to be set from the Complete Syllabus of the subject as prescribed by the University.
Duration of Pre-University Examination will be 3 hours.
Section A:
Q.1. has 10 Short answer type Questions and which are compulsory.
Section B:
has 8 Questions, any 5 Questions are to be attempted and which are of descriptive, medium and numerical type.
Section C:
has 3 Questions, any 2 Questions are to be attempted, and which are of descriptive, lengthy and numerical type.
Criteria for Awarding Class Test Marks:
All test will have equal weightage.
General Proficiency
The marks for General Proficiency shall be awarded by a committee constituted by the Principal/Director of the College/Institute on the basis of the performance of a student in the co-curricular and extra–curricular activities and general discipline in the following manner:
Co-curricular & extra-curricular (games, sports, cultural and literary activities, etc.) - 60%
Discipline (inside and outside college/institute campus) - 40%
Methods Of Measuring Learning Outcomes :
If several different sources of data are used, it increases the probability that the findings present an accurate picture. We employ the following formal assessment procedures:
End-of-semester course evaluations
Departmental mid-semester course evaluations
Departmental course objective surveys
Course portfolio evaluations
Exit Interviews
Alumni feedback
Employer surveys
Department academic council meetings
Faculty meetings
Job Placements
Professional societies
Project work
Industrial Trainings
Professional Certifications
HR Summit
Research Publications