Computer Society of India: Special Annual General Body Meeting
20th May 2018
CSI Special Annual General Body Meeting was held on 20th May 2018 at India Islamic Cultural Center, New Delhi in the light of the resolution taken by the Excom in its meeting held at Mumbai on 25th March 2018.
Mrs. Aditi Arora, Assistant Professor (CSE Dept.) from Dronacharya Group of Institution, Greater Noida, attended Meeting on behalf of the college.
Mr. Sanjay Mohapatra, President-CSI welcomed all members to the AGM and requested to start the deliberations as per the agenda.
He discussed the minutes of the 51st Annual General Body Meeting held on 25th January 2017 at Coimbatore & AGM on 18th March 2017 at Bangalore. Thereafter the minutes circulated earlier by Hon Secretary were taken as read and approved.
He further discussed about the Annual Report for the Financial Year 2016-17.
The AGM noted that Annual Report was well drafted and presented.
The Annual Report for the FY 2016-17 circulated earlier by the Hon Secretary were taken as read and approved. Further the President requested the Treasurer to present the Audited Accounts for the FY2016-17. A hard copy was also given to all members present in the AGM. Audited statements of accounts were critically examined by the AGM. The Audited Accounts for the FY 2016-17 circulated earlier by Hon Secretary / Hon Treasurer were taken as read and approved unanimously.
Further the members of AGM discussed about the CSI Constitution 2013 amendment for the election process. President, CSI updated members regarding the resolution unanimously approved by Excom & National Council relating amendment in CSI Constitution 2013 election date.
The meeting concluded with the vote of thanks to the chair.