Prof. S.K. Bagga, Prof. B. L. Kaul, Prof. Ashwani Kumar with all the participants
Valedictory Session
Certificate Distribution to the Participant by the Prof. S.K. Bagga, Director, DGI Gr. Noida
Certificate Distribution to the Participant by the Prof. S.K. Bagga, Director, DGI Gr. Noida
Certificate Distribution to the Participant by the Prof. S.K. Bagga, Director, DGI Gr. Noida
Certificate Distribution to the Participants by the Prof. S.K. Bagga, Director, DGI Gr. Noida
Certificate Distribution to the Participant by the Prof. S.K. Bagga, Director, DGI Gr. Noida
ISTE Main Workshop on “Introduction to Design of Algorithms”
25th - 30th May 2015
ISTE Main Workshop on “Introduction to Design of Algorithms” was organized at Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida (RC-1316). It was conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in association with Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay during 25th-30th May 2015. The objective of the workshop was to equip the faculty members with the knowledge of Algorithms. The workshop was coordinated by Ms. Bhanu Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, DGI, Greater Noida in which 16 faculty members including those from Dronacharya Group of Institutions, I.T.S. Engineering College, Accman Institute of Management, Center for Management Technology, IEC College of Engineering and Technology, and Skyline Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gr. Noida and International School of Informatics and Management, Jaipur participated.
The resource person for the workshop were:-
Prof. Shankar Kumar Som, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, IIT- Kharagpur
Prof. P.P. Chakarbarti, Director, IIT Kharagpur
Prof. Raja Dutta, Principal Investigator
Prof. Prabhir Kumar Biswas, Co-Principal Investigator
Prof. Parth Pratim Das, Associate Professor, CSE, IIT Kharagpur
25th May 2015
The workshop was inaugurated at IIT, Kharagpur on 25th May 2015 by Prof. Shankar Kumar Som in the presence of Prof. P.P. Chakarbarti, Director, IIT Kharagpur, Prof. Raja Dutta, and Principal investigator, Prof. Prabhir Kumar Biswas,Co-Principal Investigator and Prof. Parth Pratim Das. Prof. Raja Dutta welcomed all the participants present at various remote centers. He introduced the topic Design of Algorithms and shared the advantages of this workshop.
He said that the workshop would offer a comprehensive knowledge on the basic design, analysis and implementation of computational algorithms which would include basic Design Methods, Data Structuring, Searching and Sorting, Basic Graph Algorithms, Combinational Optimization, NP-Completeness, Approximation, and Randomization modeling for the structural design of algorithms. During this training program a few live examples and some case studies would be considered for designing of algorithms with optimized solution.
Prof. P.P. Chakarbarti discussed an overview of Algorithm Designs. In his lecture he explained the methodology to teach students with practical examples from different domains. He also explained how to find the complexity of different algorithms with some examples.
Post Lunch Prof. Partha Pratim Das talked about “Elements of Algorithms Analysis” in which he explained different elements and various parameters by which we can analyse the algorithms. He also explained how to determine the performance of algorithms like Big O notation in terms of their complexity and efficiency.
26th May 2015
The second day started with a discussion on ‘Basic Design Methods’ by Prof. Partha Pratim Chakrabarti. He gave illustrations of design process, some known methods and their relationship to the proposed process. The concept of sorting was elucidated. The session on Data Structuring was conducted by Prof.P.P.Das. He explained Contract Client, Interface, Implementation and their benefits, preconditions, post conditions, their behavior, side-effects and exception.
The post lunch session was continued by Prof. P.P.Chakrabarti on Basic Design Methods by Merging the list of iterative and recursive methods. An important topic of N bit multiplication was covered during this session.
27th May 2015
Prof. Partha Pratim Das started the session by delivering a lecture on Data Structuring. He discussed an overview of the searching and sorting concept of Data Structuring and discussed various searching and sorting Algorithms like Quick Sort, Heap Sort extra. Post lunch, he retrieved the previous session in which he discussed Basic Graph Algorithms. This Lecture was on designing of graphs for the Algorithms. He also discussed various real life problems related to the transportation and exam score sheets for designing graphs.
28th May 2015
The session was conducted on Matrix and String Problem by Prof. P.P.Das in which string matching problem and matrix multiplication and various problems related to the array of characters and the Matrix were discussed.
Further the quiz, based on discussed topics was conducted. In this session, 30 questions were given to each participant and they had to answer all the questions. The last session was a discussion round in which all the participants were given an opportunity to discuss and exchange the ideas.
29th May 2015
The session was conducted on Combinatorial Optimization by Prof. Pallab Das Gupta in which he explained its goal and importance by using several examples such as travelling salesperson problem and TSP branch and bound. The session was followed by Prof. P.P. Chakrabarti on NP-completeness, approximation, Randomization in which he discussed NP problem using an example, Cook’s theorem and few approaches like greedy approach etc. He entertained a series of questions from the audience which were promptly answered by him.
The session on Combinatorial Optimization was continued by Prof. Pallab Das Gupta in which he explained some useful examples such as subset sum for integers, iterative improvement, problem with gradient descent, berth minimization problem etc. A discussion on NP completeness and importance of polynomial time was held.
30th May 2015
The workshop began with the lecture on Nondeterministic Polynomial (NP)- Completeness Approximation, Randomization byProf. Pallab Das Gupta. In this Session he discussed NP- Completeness Approximation, Randomization with some examples. Later, the joint Interactive Session on Main Training program by Prof. P.P. Chakarbarti, Prof. Partha Pratim Das andProf. Pallab Das Gupta was held. In this session, the Resource persons interacted with the participants and entertained their queries.
The workshop was brought to end with the feedback session where the participants shared their experience about the workshop.
In the Valedictory session all the dignitaries and resource persons appreciated the participant’s dedication and interest towards a new learning. It was followed by the distribution of the provisional certificates to the participants for attending the workshop by Prof. (Dr.) S.K. Bagga, Director, DGI, Gr. Noida and Prof. B.L. Kaul, Registrar, DGI, Gr. Noida.