23rd MAY 2015
A meeting of Engineering Colleges’ Directors of NCR was held at meeting hall of IDDC, IIT Delhi on 23rd May 2015,Saturday, to discuss Need for Innovation amongst engineering colleges viz. ABES, ABESIT, KIET, BPIT, ITS, IPEC, KEC, GL Bajaj, KIIT, Dronacharya Group of institutions, Dronacharya college of Engineering, RDEC, RKGIT, RKGITW.
Prof. S.K. Atreya, dept. of IDDC, IIT Delhi, started the session with a Shloka:
Akhand Mandlakaram Vyaptam Yen Characharam.
Tatpadam Darshitam Yen Tasmai Shree Gurve Namah.
He has emphasized the need for innovation and funding through our Ambassadors, our arms to reach Engineering, grass roots of India.
1. Knowledge is money : Patents are like modern currency.
2. Improving things : Architect, Environment, services, design.
3. For social, industrial and : overall development of the Nation.
4. Name, fame, money : College and Students.
There are 3 Steps to achieve patent : Find a problem, Find a solution and find a Patent.
We have a lot of problems in this poor country and we can improve it.
1. Bicycles, Drainage System, Cleaning tools, Things: we use or buy every day.
2. Machines e.g. Jugaad, Tree Climber, Floating Ripsaw, Rope Makers, Rice Pealer.
Types of Innovation : Functional, Material, Manufacturing, Cost, Use, Comfort, Looks, Acceptability
Who can Innovate? : Just anybody, Engineers, Doctors, Carpenters, House wives, Farmer, Student.
Who will be benefitted ? : Enterprises, Employees, User / Buyers.
Ideas without risks are useless, while risks without Ideas are stupid.
Innovation is planned - does not happen by chance.
It needs Team work, cooperation and motivate people.
Today Inventions need to be on the market before tomorrow morning. Otherwise, others will pick them first. MOST OF US ARE LIVING IN THE PAST.
In the meeting following decisions were taken :
1. For the progress of our own nation, society, industry, and education system we agree to promote Innovation culture amongst the faculty and students of engineering colleges.
2. Existing academic projects may be used to develop innovative products and summer / industrial training may be focused to find small industrial problems to work on.
3. Regular meetings of this type amongst engineering colleges will stimulate culture of innovation, and sharing information & resources.
4. Every college will start an Innovation Cell with a Sign Board. A young facilitator will be deputed to involve with industry to find live problems and faculty / student groups to work from project to project.
5. Colleges agreed to present their progress and future plan to the group in the next meeting.
6. The group showed its willingness for sponsored lectures, short courses for faculty and students, and readiness to pay for resulting patents also.