International Yoga Day
21st June 2017
In an endeavor to participate actively in the International Yoga Day, NSS Wing of Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida organized a Yoga Session in association with Patanjali Yogpeeth and The Art of Living on 21st June 2017 for the students, teachers and staff members. Main objective of this program to develop the habit of Yoga & Meditation among youngsters so that they can enjoy more peace of mind and self-awareness, which is essential for a stress-free existence.
Session started with the floral welcome of Mr. Madhukar Sharma, Yoga Expert-Patanjali Yogpeeth and Mr. Aarnav Sharma, Yoga Expert-The Art of Living by Prof. S.K. Bagga, Director, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida.
On this Occasion Prof. S.K. Bagga said that Yoga is not only a physical exercise where you twist, turn, stretch, and breathe in the most complex ways but these are actually only the most superficial aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul. Prof. Bagga also said that yoga leads to the healthy development of mind, body and soul by mastering certain Yoga Postures and Asanas with breathing techniques.
Mr. Madhukar Sharma demonstrated Asanas such as Urdtadasan, Vrukshasan, Trikonassan, Urdchakrasan, Vajrasan, Shashkassan, Urdhmachundrasan, Padahastasan, Urdhhastasan, Shetubhadasan, Pawan puktasan, Shawasan. He also explained the manner in which they are to be performed, the precautions to be taken and the likely effect they have on the body and mind.
After Asanas session Mr. Aarnav Sharma, taught the Pranayama for longevity. Mr. Sharma also demonstrated various types of meditation to improve Concentration and Memory. This was followed by Pranayama such as Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Anulom-vilom and Brahmari.
All the Asanas and Pranayamas were enthusiastically done by the students, teachers and staff members.
The event successfully completed with memento presentation to the Yoga Experts. The program ended with a pledge that each and every participant will start practicing Yoga from now onwards and motivate others as well.
The program was coordinated by Mr. Dravid Nagi and Mr. Madhvesh Upadhyay, students of CSE first year.