Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida organized aWorkshop on “E-Myths” for 1st Year Engineering Students of ECE, ME and CE branch on 22nd and 23rd September 2015 in DGI, Seminar Hall (G-42). The workshop was conducted by “Footsteps”.
Mr. Shivay Negi, Facilitator, Footsteps was the resource person. Ms. Attadeepa Maurya, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities welcomed the resource person. Prof. TPN Singh, Advisor, Research & Development rendered the introductory address and apprised the students of the importance of creativity and innovation. He stressed the need of Entrepreneurship Eco-system and appreciated Mr. Negi for being so resourceful and knowledgeable.
Mr. Negi stated that maximum engineering students complete the course unaware of the fact that they actually lack the necessary employability skills. He designed this workshop to bridge the gap between myth and reality. He assured the students that at the end of the program they would be able to :
1. Look at engineering with interest and passion
2. Regain confidence in seeing things for their positive career
3. Enhance creativity and be equipped with collaborative outcomes
4. Develop leadership skills
5. Develop team spirit to improve teamwork and make the work creative with their communication skills.
Mr. Negi conducted various activities which involved all the students. Initially he made an attempt to introduce the students to each other. Further he divided them into teams and projected a video clip to assess the basic knowledge of the students. The students were asked to trace the elements of physics used in those clips. Through an activity of cartoon drawings he directed them to play a game which usually act as a catalyst in improving communication. He asked them to be focused while doing any activity to meet the demands and get desired results.
The students interacted and responded with great enthusiasm in all activities. In the second session the students were provided material to make a creative model for balancing weight. He discussed various tenets like Archimedes Principle, Pascal’s Theory and Newton’s Law. His activities were based on the concepts which were propounded by these theorists. Lastly, the students were made to realize the challenges and hardships one will encounter in achieving a major goal of life like completing the four year engineering course. All the activities were significant and the students got an exposure to learn beyond their expectation.
The workshop concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Prof. TPN Singh. The students shared their experience by saying that they have understood what Engineering really means to them. The students rated the workshop as excellent and communicated a message that this had enlightened them to be industrious in the course of their academics and all through their life. Participation certificates were given to the students.