6th International Conference on "Recent Innovations in Science,
Engineering and Management" (ICRISEM 2016))
20th August 2016
6th International Conference on "Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management†(ICRISEM 2016)was held at IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida on 20th August 2016. Dr. Bright Nyamekye, Fellow - IEEE graced the event as Chief Guest.
The aim of the ICRISEM - 2016 conference was to adopt innovative educational tools in education for preparing the students to meet their challenges. This conference emphasized on harnessing eco-friendly technologies and proper utilization of these technologies in order to achieve universal goal of sustainable development. 432 Researchers /Academicians presented their papers in the conference.
Ms. Preeti Chawla, Assistant Professor, IT Department, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida along with third year student Vishal Jindal presented a paper entitled "Optimization of pollution potential empirical equation for river water contamination" in the conference. The aim of the paper is an attempt in the direction of optimization of water quality empirical equations with a view to consider several /all water quality parameters. The optimized equation may find its application in various kind of water quality assessments.
The paper was well appreciated by jury members.
The conference ended with the certificate distribution to the participants.