Poster Competition on "National Energy Conservation Day"
14th December 2023
Institution's Innovation Council (IIC), Ministry of Education (MoE) together with NSS Units, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida organized a session and poster competition on “National Energy Conservation Day” on 14th December, 2023. 78 students participated in the competition. Dr. Neelam Bhardwaj (IIC member and Innovation Ambasador) and Dr. Teena Gakhar (IIC member and Innovation Ambasador) were the resource persons of the session.
The aim of the session and competition was to create awareness among the students about the impact of energy usage on the environment and various sustainable measures like green printing that can be practiced for the betterment of the society.
Dr. Teena Gakhar told students about the importance of conserving energy resources which is a vital aspect for human survival. She highlighted the important fact that ‘today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage’. Human habits play a vital role in conserving energy resources. She further explained that conservation of energy reduces pollution in the environment also. There are many ways in which conservation of energy can happen. Installing solar panels, solar trees and solar street lights are one of the ways to generate electric energy. Other than this, proper usage of tap water while brushing teeth, unplugging appliances when not in use repairing water leaks, using LED lights are some of the measures that must be taken care for energy conservation. The theme and guidelines of the competition were given after the session.
Then, students participated in the poster competition in accordance with the guidelines. The students showed the artistic expressions while emphasizing the paramount importance of energy conservation. The posters made by the students depicted good creativity and compelling visual messages. Dr. Neelam Bhardwaj keenly evaluated the posters and the best posters were awarded with certificates of appreciation.