QEEE Session on
Object Oriented Concepts - Classes and Data Abstraction - Operator
Overloading - Inheritance
14th, 15th & 16th March 2018
QEEE session on Object Oriented Concepts - Classes and Data Abstraction- Operator Overloading-Inheritance was organized by IIT Madras under Direct to Student (D2S) Program at Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida through ICT on 14th, 15th and 16th March 2018. The course was conducted by Prof. (Dr.) Rupesh Nasre, Faculty IIT Madras and Ms. Shanthi Makka was the Local Faculty Coordinator for the Course. 36 students from B-Tech CSE, IT and CSIT 4th and 6th semesters enrolled for the course.
Day 1: 14th March
The session started with the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming. Prof. Rupesh Nasre has explained the role and need of C++ along with the comparisons with procedure oriented programming and Java. He described Classes and Objects with an example, data abstraction, and access permissions i.e., private, protected and public. Multiple programs were demonstrated to explain the difference between private, protected and public visibility modes.
Day 2: 15th March
Prof. Rupesh started the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous concepts. He discussed the concept of Operator Overloading with syntax and benefits of the same. He then demonstrated how to overload unary operator and binary operator with an example. Later he explained in large software systems, it is not a good idea to start from scratch every time. He said that Object Oriented Programming (OOP) provides us with another interesting way to reuse the functionality of a class using the concept of Inheritance and then he explained different types of inheritance: Single inheritance, Multiple inheritance, Multi - level inheritance, Hierarchical inheritance and Hybrid Inheritance along with examples.
Day 3: 16th March
Prof. Nasre resumed the session with basic concept of constructors, destructors, Pointer and inheritance. He then discussed Function Polymorphism, virtual functions and pure virtual functions with appropriate examples. Last he explained about binding, different types of binding i.e., non-virtual functions as static binding and virtual functions as dynamic binding with examples.
The three days session was very effective for the students as it was practical oriented. Overall session was very obliging as it imparted a conceptual knowledge in OOPs to the participants. Students learned a) how to organize various objects into a common form of classes, b) how to define the interface to access its members, and c) how to hide unwanted details and operator overloading.
The proctored Quiz was conducted on 12th April, 2018.