Workshop on "Master your Mind"
25 September, 2017
On 25 September 2017 DGI NSS wing of Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida organized a workshop on “Master Your Mind” . The purpose of workshop was to introduce the concept of mental training and learn “How to effectively manage our thoughts and emotions”, “Use work pressure to our advantage and influence our body and mind in a positive way”.
Hon’ble Prof. B. L. Kaul, Registrar, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida, welcomed the guests Sister Priti & Sister Kamla from Brahmakumaris.
Sister Kamla started the session with a discussion on external stimuli. She said that the stimuli, Form, Touch, Smell, Taste and Sound reach us through our sense organs, which initiates creatures to react accordingly.
Sister Kamla said that the instrument or mechanism within man that receives and processes the stimuli is called the mind. If one’s mind is not attentive and wanders a person cannot hear what is said to him. She further explained that the mind cannot come to a decision; it only receives the stimuli and then submits it to a higher authority, called the intellect; the judging faculty. The intellect judges how we are to react to situations and what responses we must make. The finale decision comes from the intellect.
Explaining the role of intellect, Sister Kamla said that every one’s intellect comes to a judgement depending upon his impressions of his past life experiences (samskar). Past experiences control, direct, regulate, and discipline our present reactions to the world, because our intellectual judgement is coloured by its past experience. If we hold on past in our mind it creates a lot of disturbance for self and others. She advised all to become the master of the self and create a good future with pure feelings and wishes.
Sister Preeti talked about the 5 thoughts - Positive, Negative, Intellectual, Necessary and Waste. She said that positive thinking is when the right thoughts are created in unfavourable situations. So far it is believed that thoughts are linked to the environment around us, it’s just so natural that when there is a crisis outside, there will be a crisis inside. But spirituality teaches us that what is inside, is independent from what is outside. Negative energy needs to be blocked from the inside. The problem starts when the thought starts driving us instead of the other way round.
She further discussed the basic quality of soul i.e., is knowledge, purity, bliss, happiness, love, power and peace. These basic qualities evolve a pure mind. The purer is the mind, the easier it is to control. Purity of the mind must be insisted upon. Perfect morality takes complete control over mind.
She advised to meditate daily and observe ones thoughts. Throughout the day, one must take a moment to deep breathe.
Hon’ble Director Prof. Ashish Soti presented memento to both the guests. He concluded the program with a very encouraging speech, appreciated and praised the guests for the conduction of the workshop. He reiterated the importance of spirituality and advised that the practice of meditation.